Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: None received |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations.
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 5th July 2023 Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 5th July 2023.
Resolved that the minutes of the Planning
Committee meetings held on Wednesday 5th July 2023 be
approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the
meeting. Proposed: Cllr Myer |
New items for consideration Minutes: None declared |
23/01039/FUL - Bitton House Bitton Park Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9DF Ward: West Proposal: Workshop and garage and disabled WC, solar panels and tarmac surface and extended footpath
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Workshop and garage and disabled WC, solar panels and tarmac surface and extended footpath
No comment as no information |
23/01151/VAR - Land At Ngr 293798 73027 Mulberry Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8EJ Ward: West Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on planning permission 20/01107/FUL (Construction of two dwellings) to show provision of parking space, new stone wall and balustrading and ground floor meter room
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on planning permission 20/01107/FUL (Construction of two dwellings) to show provision of parking space, new stone wall and balustrading and ground floor meter room Weblink:
23/01160/LBC - 15 Powderham Terrace Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8BL Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartments (2)
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartments (2)
23/01192/REM - 56 Maudlin Drive Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8SB Ward: Central Proposal: Reserved matters application for a dwelling pursuant to planning permission 22/00126/OUT (approval sought for all matters) including discharging of conditions 5, 6, 7 and 8
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Reserved matters application for a dwelling pursuant to planning permission 22/00126/OUT (approval sought for all matters) including discharging of conditions 5, 6, 7 and 8
23/01194/HOU - 64 Ferndale Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8NQ Ward: East Proposal: Lean to garage, and window to south elevation
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Lean to garage, and window to south elevation
23/01040/LBC - Bitton House Bitton Park Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9DF Ward: West Proposal: Workshop and garage and disabled WC, solar panels and tarmac surface and extended footpath
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Workshop and garage and disabled WC, solar panels and tarmac surface and extended footpath
23/01218/TPO - Glenbervie Exeter Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9LB Ward: Central Proposal: T1. Middle semi mature turkey oak situated on top of wall - Dismantle and fell to near ground level. Suppressed Middle tree in between group of three semi mature trees. Removal will provide more future growing space for remaining higher value trees.
T3. End mature turkey oak ... view the full agenda text for item 8. Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: T1. Middle semi mature turkey oak situated on top of wall - Dismantle and fell to near ground level. Suppressed Middle tree in between group of three semi mature trees. Removal will provide more future growing space for remaining higher value trees.
T3. End mature turkey oak - Remove lowest primary branch to provide clearance of driveway growing in a South eastern direction.. Crown lift secondary branches and tertiary branches only to provide 2m clearance over the chicken run and shed. Branches are heavily conflicting with the driveway due the the low canopy. Other secondary branches are now touching the garden shed and chicken run. Removal of the selected branches will not affect the tree aesthetically.
T2. Middle turkey oak situated in garden - Crown lift over fence to provide 2m clearance by removing secondary branches only that are less than 20mm in diameter. Small Epicormic growth is now touching the boundary fence and becoming entangled.
23/01219/ADV - 7 Bank Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8AL Ward: East Proposal: Externally illuminated fascia signage
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Externally illuminated fascia signage Weblink:
23/01235/HOU - The Old Chapel Lower Kingsdown Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9AY Ward: West Proposal: Extensions and alterations including front and rear dormer windows
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Extensions and alterations including front and rear dormer windows
23/01241/HOU - 4 Barnsley Close Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8PW Ward: East Proposal: Part demolition and rebuild of existing damaged boundary wall and build store
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Part demolition and rebuild of existing damaged boundary wall and build store
23/01264/LBC - 15 Powderham Terrace Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8BL Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartment (3)
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartment (3) Weblink: |
23/01295/HOU - 15 Buckeridge Avenue Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8LU Ward: Central Proposal: Raised off street parking platform
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Raised off street parking platform
23/01298/LBC - Lower Ground Floor Old Quay Warehouse Old Quay Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8ES Ward: West Proposal: Alterations to internal layout and (part retrospective)
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Alterations to internal layout and (part retrospective)
Proposed: Cllr Myers Carried unanimously |
22/02257/FUL - 25 Deer Park Avenue, Teignmouth, Devon - WITHDRAWN Ward: Central Proposal: Erection of an attached dwelling and formation of two off-street car parking spaces
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Erection of an attached dwelling and formation of two off-street car parking spaces