Ward: Central
T1. Middle semi mature turkey oak situated on top of wall - Dismantle and fell to near ground level.
Suppressed Middle tree in between group of three semi mature trees. Removal will provide more future growing space for remaining higher value trees.
T3. End mature turkey oak - Remove lowest primary branch to provide clearance of driveway growing in a South eastern direction.. Crown lift secondary branches and tertiary branches only to provide 2m clearance over the chicken run and shed.
Branches are heavily conflicting with the driveway due the the low canopy. Other secondary branches are now touching the garden shed and chicken run. Removal of the selected branches will not affect the tree aesthetically.
T2. Middle turkey oak situated in garden - Crown lift over fence to provide 2m clearance by removing secondary branches only that are less than 20mm in diameter.
Small Epicormic growth is now touching the boundary fence and becoming entangled.
Ward: Central
T1. Middle semi mature turkey oak situated on top of wall - Dismantle and fell to near ground level.
Suppressed Middle tree in between group of three semi mature trees. Removal will provide more future growing space for remaining higher value trees.
T3. End mature turkey oak - Remove lowest primary branch to provide clearance of driveway growing in a South eastern direction.. Crown lift secondary branches and tertiary branches only to provide 2m clearance over the chicken run and shed.
Branches are heavily conflicting with the driveway due the the low canopy. Other secondary branches are now touching the garden shed and chicken run. Removal of the selected branches will not affect the tree aesthetically.
T2. Middle turkey oak situated in garden - Crown lift over fence to provide 2m clearance by removing secondary branches only that are less than 20mm in diameter.
Small Epicormic growth is now touching the boundary fence and becoming entangled.
Comments: refer to arborist
Proposed: Cllr Miller
Seconded: Cllr Jackman
Carried unanimously