Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions
Contact: Iain Wedlake
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Jackman (May be late)
Resolved that the apology be noted.
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations.
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 24th January 2024. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Finance meetings held on 23rd January be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous
Cllr Jackman joined the meeting at 17:02 |
Grant applications |
Teignbridge Guiding and Scouting Minutes: It was agreed to recommend part of the grant at £1,000
Proposed Cllr Jackman Seconded Cllr Williams Unanimous |
Life Education Wessex Minutes: It was agreed to recommend the full grant oft £310
Proposed Cllr Jackson Seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous
The Friends of Eastcliff Park Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed to recommend the full grant oft £157
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous
South Devon Singers Minutes: It was agreed to recommend part of the grant at £200
Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous
Review Q4 budget report This item is deferred as yearend figures are not fully available awaiting RBS closedown 24/25/26 April. Minutes: This item is deferred as yearend figures are not fully available awaiting RBS closedown 24/25/26 April.
Noted |
Exclusion of Press and Public Members are recommended to approve the following resolution:
“that in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the following items, on the basis that the information to be disclosed would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.” Minutes: Members are recommended to approve the following resolution:
“that in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the following items, on the basis that the information to be disclosed would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.”
Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Jackson Unanimous
Part II - Private Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and / or the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. |
Summer entertainment Committee is asked to select and then resolve to contract 6 x 1 Days entertainment on the seafront and in the triangles. From the list of quotes below.
Contractor Triangles Promenade
A £533/6 Day 4/Day £1,083/6 Day 5/Day
B £325/6 Day 3/Day £325/6 Day 3/Day
C £280/6 Day 3/Day £280/6 Day 3/Day
D £280/6 Day 3/Day £280/6 Day 3/Day Minutes: Committee is asked to select and then resolve to contract 6 x 1 Days entertainment on the seafront and in the triangles. From the list of quotes below.
Contractor Triangles Promenade
A £1,083/6 Day 5/Day £533/6 Day 4/Day
B £325/6 Day 3/Day £325/6 Day 3/Day
C £280/6 Day 3/Day £280/6 Day 3/Day
D £280/6 Day 3/Day £280/6 Day 3/Day
The committee resolved that “Officers are delegated to use the £5K budget to book 18 slots from contractors C & D as per below table.
6 Slots Seafront 6 Slots Triangles 6 Slots split between Northumberland Place and Teign St
All contractors to provide a post season report.
A boards to be used for advertising with a QR code for comments if possible.
Proposed Cllr Jackson seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous.
Date of next meeting 21/05/2024 |