Venue: Mayor's Parlour
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None given. |
Dispensations Minutes: No dispensations. |
Minutes To receive, approve and sign the minutes of the Christmas Tree Switch on Event meeting held on 6th August, 2024. Minutes: Approval of previous meeting minutes dated 6th August 2024.
Proposer: Cllr Rudge Seconder: Cllr Jackson Carried: Unanimously |
Market Stalls Minutes: The committee was informed that there are currently 10 markets stalls booked. Officers will continue to advertise market stall space and report back next meeting.
Food and Drink Minutes: Cllr Rudge will discuss providing free mince pies with the Alice Cross Centre and Officers will confirm their stall space.
The committee were informed that there are 3 food stalls and a festive drinks stall booked in. All agree that no more food/drink stalls are needed.
Entertainment Minutes: Cllr Williams will be looking into hiring the person on stilts that has been used in previous years, as well as a Grinch. Cllr Williams has found a Santa for the Santa Grotto and 3 people have volunteered to be elves. May need to source another elf costume.
Check to see if the Piano lady from last year is available this year.
Cllr Williams has received confirmation from 8 groups/acts who would like to perform on the stage. Once all acts are confirmed, order will be arranged.
Terrill will contact the schools to find out if they would like to participate and to what degree. |
Civic Carol Service Minutes: Mayor Cllr Williams has confirmed the Civic Carol Service will take place on Sunday, 15th December at St Michael’s Church. TTC Officers will create and distribute the invitation this week. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Cllr Jackson has created a mockup of the Santa Grotto and everyone in the meeting was very impressed! Most of the decorations have been ordered, the Town Clerk will order the Christmas Tree and Cllr Rudge has offered some more decorations from the Alice Cross Centre.
The Town Clerk will also get the final costs for the Santa Grotto and report back next meeting.
Terrill will create a Christmas playlist for the Grotto and will order the gifts. It was decided that books, soft toys and sweets will be given out.
Officers will check to see if another elf costume will need to be ordered.
Terrill will reach out to the Farmers Market again to confirm they will not be able to trade in the Triangle that day and will point them towards Devon County Council. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Next meeting set for Tuesday, October 8th at 4pm. |