Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations. |
Dispensations Minutes: No dispensations. |
Market Stalls Minutes: Currently, there are 6 market stalls confirmed. Debbie and Terrill will publicise market stall availability and report back at the next meeting.
Cllr Rudge to discuss a stall with Alice Cross (brought forward from previous meeting).
Food and Drink Minutes: There are currently 2 food trucks booked, Chanbury’s Woodfired Pizza and a Burger/toastie van who are also providing the inflatable snow globe (Fun-tasia).
Debbie and Terrill will look for another food truck to add and will invite Gatehouse Trailer who provide festive drinks and cocktails. |
Entertainment Minutes: The Town Clerk will meet with the proprietor of The Courtney, along with Cllr Jackson, to discuss the possibility of using the Courtney for the Santa Grotto. They will report back next meeting.
An inflatable snow globe has been booked and Terrill is waiting to hear back about the swing chairs.
Cllr Williams will investigate possibly booking two Santas and a Grinch, as well as some of the live entertainment that will take place throughout the day.
Our Lady St Patrick school have said they would be happy to participate in our event this year and we will speak again in September when school has begun.
RNLI have confirmed they will switch on the lights this year, in honour of their 200th anniversary.
Debbie and Terrill will source gifts to give out to children at the Santa Grotto.
Cllr’s Jackson and Williams will source Christmas decorations from Costco.
5 carols at 5pm on the stage, followed by RNLI lights on and it was suggested that Red Rock Choir perform last, Terrill will send an invite to them.
Any Other Business Minutes: Terrill will contact St Michael’s Church regarding the Mayor’s Christmas Civic Service and will propose Saturday, 7th December at 3pm as the date for this service. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The next meeting has been set for Tuesday, 10th September at 4:30pm. |