Agenda and minutes

Objectives, Strategy and Communications working group - Thursday, 31st October, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Williams


Resolved that the apology be noted.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


None were received.



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


There were no dispensations.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Objectives & Strategy working group meeting held on 26th June.


Members considered the minutes of the meeting held on 26th June 2024.


Resolved that the minutes of the 26th June 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.


Proposed: Cllr Myers

Seconded: Cllr Lloyd



Confirmation of Objectives

To finalise recommendation for full council



Existing Objectives


1.    Neighbourhood plan

2.    Town Toilets

3.    Town CCTV / positive and effective communication

4.    Community Units

5.    Bitton House as permanent home to Teignmouth Council

6.    Carbon neutral and ecofriendly by 2030 & (to be costed and reviewed in next year’s budget to at least commence some works).  Goal is to be a carbon neutral.




New Objectives


1.    Use the Communications Audit to improve communications in an accessible way. Councillors communicating with each other effectively outside of official meetings (cohesive communication). Councillors and Officers feel well trained

2.    People feel safe going out at night, lobbying TDC for return of decorative lights on the Den

3.    Review of TTC events for 2024/5 Financial year. Small working group to be set up reporting to finance by end September, with budgetary considerations.




Non prioritised

·         Relationships built with community groups that are working on environmental projects, exploring Park and Ride at Morrisons

·         Returned Blue Flag status and relationships built with stakeholders to maintain this

·         Maintain wild areas to encourage nature / green spaces are well-maintained, attractive and have brought people together












Merged Existing and New


Members are recommended to approve the combined list below for full council to adopt at its November meeting:


1.    Neighbourhood plan

2.    Review of TTC events for 2024/5 Financial year. Small working group to be set up reporting to finance by end September, with budgetary considerations.

3.    Town Toilets

4.    Use the Communications Audit to improve communications in an accessible way. Councillors communicating with each other effectively outside of official meetings (cohesive communication). Councillors and Officers feel well trained

5.    Town CCTV / positive and effective communication

6.    People feel safe going out at night, lobbying TDC for return of decorative lights on the Den

7.    Community Units

8.    Bitton House as permanent home to Teignmouth Council

9.    Carbon neutral and ecofriendly by 2030 & (to be costed and reviewed in next year’s budget to at least commence some works).  Goal is to be a carbon neutral.


Non prioritised

·         Relationships built with community groups that are working on environmental projects, exploring Park and Ride at Morrisons

·         Returned Blue Flag status and relationships built with stakeholders to maintain this

·         Maintain wild areas to encourage nature / green spaces are well-maintained, attractive and have brought people together




Items were discussed that need to go in the budget for the next Full Council meeting.


Merged Objectives


Neighbourhood Plan

Although this is complete £2,000 will be required for implementation


Town Toilets

Money already in budget for all the blocks except for about one and a quarter of them which was always the plan.  Are now out to tender – leases and tenders to go to Full Council on 10th November.


Comms Audit

Already budgeted – everything is all paid for that Breakthrough are going to do for us.



Already in budget but can’t complete until toilets are complete


Decorative Lights

£55,000 will need to go on precept – running costs will be about £15,000/year (£5,000 electricity and £10,000/year to replace in 5/6 years’ time. Best practice would be to put in an ear marked reserve and build it up.  It was suggested that people might like to purchase lights in memory of a loved one – which would provide an income line. 


Community Units

Anticipated being approved before Christmas – will go straight to tender.

Money will be required for professional fees


Bitton House as permanent home to Teignmouth Council

Long term investment was agreed 2020/21.  Ear Marked Reserves will need to be built to a point where we can execute some of the things. 


Carbon Neutral

Council officially made a decision to move carbon neutrality from 2025 to 2030.


Finance meeting has been put back a week so that a recommendation can go Full Council. Councillors have also been notified that there are to be two formal meetings one in the daytime and one in the evening. A draft is produced and feedback from Councillors will go to Finance.


All Councillors have been emailed following the Finance Committee meeting asking them to tell us if they have anything that we are unaware of that needs to be included in the budget. Will then be up to Council as to what stays in and what doesn’t.


Vision/Mission statement

To create a vision or mission statement to accompany the objectives and strategy.


Cllr Atkins did put this up because it was in existence – this is what we as a Council are trying to achieve together as a team, Councillors and Officers. Its about putting those tangible objectives in it so that we can check we are on track and where we want to be, see where we  need to be putting more attention, what do we need to stop doing. 



Update on the communications strategy

TC to give a verbal update on progress with Breakthrough Communications.


Breakhrough will give us a strategy and we will call a meeting which will hopefully feed into the December Council.  Once full Council agrees it, we can start implementing it immediately in the new year.  Town Clerk to email slides from training to those that attended the training. The objective is to get it to Full Council for December.



Review date for 2025/6 objectives

The working group is recommended to aim to review the objectives for 2025/6 in June July 2025 with the aim that they are with full council for its September meeting.


Thursday 10 April 2025


Date of next meeting

Set date to coincide with recommended communications strategy from Breakthrough communications.


Date of next meeting Thursday 21 November 2024 at 5:00pm.