Agenda and minutes

Objectives, Strategy and Communications working group - Friday, 3rd May, 2024 3.00 pm

Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions

No. Item


Election of chair


Cllr Myers


Proposed Cllr Walsh Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous


Election of vice chair


Cllr Rudge


Proposed Cllr Williams Seconded Cllr Walsh Unanimous


Recap on possible objectives

“Post it” exercise to ensure all potential objectives are captured


A “post it note” exercise was completed base upon previous lists.


Grouping of objectives

“Post it “ exercise on grouping common objectives together


Blue Post-it’s – Objectives still to be prioritized


  • Use the Communications Audit to improve communications in an accessible way
  • Councillors communicating with each other effectively outside of official meetings (cohesive communication)
  • Councillors and Officers feel well trained
  • Maintain wild areas to encourage nature
  • Relationships built with community groups that are working on environmental projects, exploring Park and Ride at Morrisons
  • Returned Blue Flag status and relationships built with stakeholders to maintain this
  • Green spaces are well-maintained, attractive and have brought people together
  • Crime rates reduced in the town centre, people feel safe going out at night, lobbying TDC for return of street lights on the Den
  • Review of events
  • Financially sound



Recap on existing objectives which are ongoing or budgeted

“Post it” exercise to recap and order existing objectives which are underway or budgeted.


Green Post-it’s – Objectives that are already in place

·         Town CCTV

·         Town Toilets

·         Community Units

·         Bitton House as permanent home to Teignmouth Council

·         Carbon neutrality by 2030



Final selection of Objectives into priority order

Final “Post it” exercise to place selected objectives in priority order. Preferably not exceeding 9-10 items.


Deferred untill the next meeting.


Communications strategy

To select best potential dates for (options to follow) 2 half days (probably mornings) each session to be 6 officers and the 6 members of the working group.


To establish a timeline for creating the communications strategy.


Training is booked for 28/05 10:00-12:00 & 04/06 10:00-12:00.

The engagement of Breakthrough Communications to take us through the process to be considered at the next meeting.


Date of next meeting


To be resolved after the two training sessions.