No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Cllr Jackman |
To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 18th January 2024 Were agreed.
Proposed Cllr Lloyd seconded Cllr Comer carried 1 abstention as absent.
Update in potential competitions Minutes: Sunflower competition. Seeds would be required by Mid March S Henchie to supply a list of what to order to the office. Applications by 15/03/24 via Cllr Lloyds council email address.
Gardening competition Judging to be week 3 in May Entry by means of a 2 minute video Closes on 01/06/24 Entries to Cllr Comers council email address.
The Clerks office to set about recovering all the existing trophies.and to ask office staff to produce some draft posters. |
Update on existing areas of work Minutes: The clerk is having a meeting with the new MDA reporter when she commences and will look at an article on TiB and its first project the Station as our new starter settles in.
The Clerk to check permissions for additional areas at Parsons St and the recently levelled area in Combe vale road. |
Update on volunteers situation Minutes: The chair informed the working group that there were 7 new voulenteers. |
Update on equipment situation Minutes: The Clerk will get the Stewart Henchie list of tools ordered and look into the H&S implications of the multitool from Screwfix. H
The meeting ended at 17:40
Date of next meeting 18/04/24 16:30 |