Agenda and minutes

Assets and Facilities Committee - Monday, 23rd September, 2024 3.30 pm

Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions

Contact: Projects & Facilities Manager 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.


Apologies were given by Cllr Jackman and the P&FM


Resolved that the apologies be noted.



Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


None were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meeting held on 22nd July 2024


Members considered the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meeting held on 22nd July 2024.


Resolved that the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meetings held on 22nd July 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.


Proposed:      Cllr Atkins

Seconded:     Cllr Rudge

3 in favour, 1 abstained


Town Toilets

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update


TC gave a verbal update regarding the toilets and stated we are very close to tender going out for all the toilets. Eastcliff toilets will be finished first and the Den toilets need the wall to be finished so the scaffolding can be removed before works progress.


Community Units

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update


TC informed the Cllrs that Teignbridge District Council forgot to carry out two consultations so the planning decision has been pushed back to Oct 24th. Everyone affected has been informed. Cllr Phipps enquired about the cost of the units annually and the TC provided a ballpark figure and stated TTC had reserves set aside for the units.


Cllr Lloyd asked for an update on TTC’s finances on the website. The TC informed Cllr Lloyd that he believed them to be up-to-date. Cllr Lloyd asked if he was sure and the TC confirmed he was, which is why TTC passed AGAR. The TC then asked if Cllr Lloyd thought perhaps he had a box of money hiding under his desk and Cllr Lloyd requested this be minuted.


Cllr Rudge asked when the units were likely to be completed and the TC stated we are looking at Summer 2025.


Teignmouth in Bloom

To receive any update from the Teignmouth in Bloom working group and deal with any issues / questions.


To reschedule the recently missed working group meeting.


Cllr Lloyd stated TiB had a meeting scheduled for Sept 12th but the TC let her know he hadn’t added the meeting to the schedule so they needed to reschedule the meeting. Cllr Lloyd will discuss with the other committee members and let the TC know the new date.


Cllr Atkins let Cllr Lloyd know that she had been in contact with the Resorts Office about the boats and they do not want to accept any responsibility, financially or otherwise. Cllr Lloyd says she had been in touch with Anna at the Resorts Office as well but had not received this information. Cllr Atkins will forward this information to Cllr Lloyd. Cllr Lloyd suggested she just break the boats up with a hammer and be done with it but was asked not to do that.




Utilities Update

The P&FM to give a verbal update


No update given as the P&FM was not in attendance. Update will be given at the next meeting.


Cllr Atkins enquired about the decarbonisation plan and the TC stated that we do not have a document but TTC are working on it. Bitton House may need a new boiler this year and will also be equipped with solar panels. Cllr Phipps asked about the safety of solar panels and the TC said the wiring is internal now rather than external which means they are safer than previous models.


Bonfire / Fireworks working group

To receive an update from the Bonfire Event working group and deal with any issues / questions


Cllr Myers gave a quick update regarding Bonfire night and asked for more bucket collectors, Cllr Phipps agreed to help. The TC offered to ask the Traders Association if they would like to help.


Bonfire night will take place on Saturday, 26th October and Cllr Myers let everyone know that it was a Pirate of the Caribbean theme.


Shaldon has asked that TTC contribute a bit more money this year for a better display and that would be mean an extra £300. The TC stated that there was enough money in the budget and suggested a vote.


Proposed:      Cllr Atkins

Seconded:     Cllr Myers

Carried:          Unanimously


Christmas lights switch on working group

To receive an update from the Christmas Lights Switch on working group and deal with any issue / questions

Additional documents:


Cllr Williams gave a quick verbal update. The Farmers’ Market, which usually takes place the last Saturday of the month, has been informed more than once that they will not be able to trade on November 30th. While we haven’t had a response, two traders have been in touch as they would like to participate in the Christmas Market.


Cllr Jackson has been planning the Santa Grotto and everyone is impressed with her efforts so far.


Cllr Atkins would like to make sure TTC advertises this event in plenty of time and to as big an audience as possible, Cllr Williams agrees. TTC will ask the Town Crier to advertise as well.


Cllr Atkins also recommended Dramatically Different as an act and the Officer said she will investigate further.


Damaged wall Bitton Park middle car park

The P&FM to give a verbal update


The TC gave an update regarding the damaged wall in the carpark on Park Hill. The wall was repaired after it was damaged but was then damaged again when a car backed onto it. The TC is now awaiting insurers.


There are no double yellow lines along that stretch of road, which would be helpful. Cllr Phipps asked if that is a possibility and was informed it is. Cllr Atkins has a list of all the places single and double yellow lines are going in Teignmouth and requests will go out for consultation on Oct 20th to HATOC.


Replacement water main

The P&FM to give a verbal update


The TC informed the Cllrs that the duct has been installed and the pipe is ready, we are now waiting on SWW, and have been for several months now.


Orangery redecoration quotes

To resolve to accept one of 2 quotes for the redecoration of the Orangery


Contractor A £7,300

Contractor B £6,130

Contractor C To follow


The TC informed the Cllrs of the quotes that he received regarding the Orangery renovations. Cllr Lloyd asked if the Friends of the Orangery are aware of the quotes and the TC confirmed they are and significant repairs have already been undertaken. The TC suggested the lowest of the quotes and confirmed that the quotes were like-for-like.


Proposed:      Cllr Atkins

Seconded:     Cllr Phipps

Carried:          Unanimously


The TC will circulate a spec for the Orangery redecoration quotes and he let the Cllrs know that he can put this information in Part II of the agenda so they can see the quotes if they would like in future.


Cllr Rudge asked when these repairs will begin and the TC replied asap, as soon as the weather is better.


Mental Health Awareness Notice board pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Committee is asked to consider the attached request and provide a recommendation to full council.

If the recommendation is positive, it is recommended to resolve: That officers will set up a mirror noticeboard on the council’s website, and that officers will then maintain the contents of both.

Funding would be achieved by a virement of £1,500 from the underspend on the Christmas lights event 4202-240 to a new installation category of 4425-330 in the Town cost centre.

Additional documents:


The TC informed the Cllrs that Cllr Comer had approached him regarding placing a Mental Health Board up at the train station. Cllr Atkins asked who would keep the board updated and the TC said Officers would make sure it was up to date though the information presented would signpost to help so should not have to be updated regularly.


Cllr Rudge suggested it just be called a Health Board in order to avoid any stigma.


Cllr Myers said she would check with CVS team regarding some of the content and suggested they could work in partnership with us.


A vote was suggested regarding accepting the board and Cllr Lloyd said she had spoken to Cllr Comer and said he wanted to present/discuss this idea at the next full council meeting. The TC said he’d had a long discussion with Cllr Comer so felt confident in voting the Board forward and asking Cllr Comer to discuss the board at the next full council meeting.


Proposed:      Cllr Atkins

Seconded:     Cllr Rudge

Carried:          Unanimously



Cllr Phipps left the meeting at 16:50.


Town Hanging baskets

TC Verbal update


TTC are getting costs for the columns that will hold the hanging baskets, but the TC stated they are quite expensive, suggesting they may cost about £1000/column. Cllr Rudge asked how many columns we may need and was told 12. They will be cast iron and Victorian in design. There will not be lights added to them as there is no power source and they will go on Bank Street. The TC will report back when more information is available.



Members are recommended to approve the following resolution:

“that in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the following items, on the basis that the information to be disclosed would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted”.


Proposed:      Cllr Atkins

Seconded:     Cllr Lloyd

Carried:          Unanimously



Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and / or the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960


Replacement CCTV

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update


The TC gave a verbal update on the replacement CCTV project


Recap on any new Action Points


No new action points were recorded


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 28thOctober 2024


The next meeting will be held on Monday 28th October, 2024