Agenda and minutes

Assets and Facilities Committee - Monday, 22nd July, 2024 3.30 pm

Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions

Contact: Projects & Facilities Manager 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor M Jackman.


Resolved that the apology be noted.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


None were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meeting held on 17th June 2024


Members considered the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meeting held on 17.06.2024


Resolved that the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Sub-Committee meeting held on 17.06.2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting


Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded Cllr C Myers, carried unanimous


Town Toilets

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update


Post approval of our QS from our last month’s meeting, he has now been engaged. All planning approvals & Building Control etc. are in place. Further discussions to take place with TDC regarding leases.


Re: the Old Aquarium, because TDC didn’t start the legal works until 3 months after they said they were going to, we had to opt for a licence; the legal fees for the licence were predicted to be between either £500/£750-£1000 and actually came out as £3,000 because of their dealings with TDC. 


It was suggested a Facilities meeting was held with the Town Clerk and decide who we want to meet at TDC.  It was agreed that September would be a good time to have a meeting with TDC as we are ready to start the next stage of the builds as we need a plan that is going to work going forward.


Lower Brook Street is a Freehold transfer so should be much more straightforward.


Community Units

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update


We have had confirmation that the Bat Emergence Surveys have been completed and no bats (nor anything else) were found. A planning application has been re-submitted, fees have been paid.


Teignmouth in Bloom working group minutes

To receive and approve the minutes from the Teignmouth in Bloom working group and deal with any recommendations therein.

Additional documents:


Members considered the minutes of the Teignmouth in Bloom committee meeting held on 27.06.2024


Resolved that the minutes of Teignmouth in Bloom committeemeeting held on 27.06.2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting


Proposed: Cllr P Lloyd Seconded Cllr C Williams, carried unanimous



Utilities Update

The P&FM to give a verbal update if anything to report



We are pursuing fibre replacement as the copper network is being replaced.  Airband are installing fibre, a service that will replace our existing copper, at no increase in cost. Cllr J Atkins will make enquiries to see if she can arrange for Airband or Openreach to do a public presentation (at the Pavillions for example) to the community. For a small increase, we are looking to provide tenants at Bitton House with fibre which would save the tenants a bit of money and also contribute towards the cost of the service.


It was also suggested that it might be useful for Airband or Openreach to come along to a Town Council meeting and present.


Christmas lights switch on working group

To add two more members to the existing working group as the TCoTC have decided they do not wish to take part in a joint venture this year.


Meeting tomorrow at 4:30pm.  We have one volunteer, Cllr J Jackson.  Noted that the Chamber of Commerce don’t wish to do a joint venture with us this year.


Damaged wall (Park Hill)


Nobody heard/noticed/reported this damage.  We have had a quote to repair the wall at £950.  It is not worth claiming on our insurance.  The wall can be re-built using material that was already there.


Pier Cap Ball

We have a single cost in for replacing the Pier Cap Ball at the entrance to the Bitton House Drive.

Committee is asked to resolve.

To either proceed at a cost of £910 Ex vat or less.


Not proceed further with this matter.



To re-place the Pier Cap Ball will cost £910.  To remove the other Pier Cap Ball will not cost anything.


It was decided not to replace the Pier Cap Ball.


Proposed: Cllr C Myers, Seconded Cllr C Williams – 3 for 2 abstained






Replacement water main

Committee is asked to resolve;

To agree the following unavoidable charge from SWW, regarding the replacement of the leaking water main at Bitton House. At £2,661.00 the nearest alternative authorised contractor be in Birmingham.




These works are classed as Uncontestable - our water main feeding Bitton House is now leaking under the car park into the moat, we have already taken up to replace it because there are ‘dead legs’ which is a pipe that goes nowhere which is bad for legionella. There is also a mix of copper and lead.

The nearest contractor that could carry out this work is in Birmingham, or there is South West Water.  We will have to pay for this work to be carried out.  The repair will come out of Reactive Maintenance. Once repaired we can stop our annual water sample test because then we will know that there is no lead or copper in the main.


It is resolved to engage South West Water


Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded Cllr P Lloyd, carried unanimous



Tablets for Councillors

To discuss if any further tablets are required for any more Councillors


One further tablet has been requested by Cllr M Jackman, for which there is budget.  Further training for use is required. Anyone requiring training to contact the Projects & Facilities Manager


Proposed: Cllr V Rudge Seconded Cllr C Myers, carried unanimous



Members are recommended to approve the following resolution:

“that in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the following items, on the basis that the information to be disclosed would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted”.


Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded Cllr P Lloyd, carried unanimous




Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and / or the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960


Replacement CCTV

The P&FM and TC to give a verbal update



Verbal update given by Projects and Facilities Manager.



Recap on any new Action Points


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held after the summer recess on Monday 23rd September 2024


Monday 23rd September 2024