Venue: Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ149DF
Contact: Iain Wedlake
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors L Chasteau and M Jackman.
Resolved that the apologies be noted. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Finance meeting held on XXXX. Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 24th September 2024.
Resolved that the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 24th September 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr P Lloyd Carried unanimously |
Bank Reconciliations PDF 48 KB To receive and note the bank reconciliations for September 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Noted.
Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr V Rudge Carried unanimously |
Quarter 2 Budget monitoring PDF 729 KB To receive and note the Quarter 2 budget monitoring report, from 1st April to 30th September 2024. Minutes: Noted.
Proposed: Cllr V Rudge Seconded: Cllr C Williams Carried unanimously |
2025/2026 Budget planning To set and agree a meeting timetable for budget setting by the finance committee and provisional informal councillor’s meetings with a view to getting is agreed at the full council on 10th December 2023. With formal finance committee recommendation by 26th November 2023 latest.
Period for inclusion of items from councillors ends
Draft budget & Precept setting finance meeting
First informal discussion with councillors
Second informal discussion with councillors
Budget & precept to full council for approval 10th December 2024 Minutes: The Clerk and local RFO have a legal obligation to produce a budget for the Council. Councillors to be emailed giving them a date in about two weeks time to say anything they would like including in a draft budget and costs.
Decorative lighting on the seafront to be included which is not a decision, it is an item. Council will decide what stays in and what doesn’t and how much they are prepared to put up the precept or not
Cost for decorative lighting just over £60,000 (cost of lights and installation etc). Permission will have to be sought from DCC and a planning application will be required (which has fees). Then the running costs are in the region of £15,000/year. Due to £5,000 electricity costs and because of where they are, they will need to be replaced every 5 years approximately.
Two informal meetings with Councillors to be arranged so that they can give us a steer on what is likely to be acceptable so that a budget or budgets can be put to full Council on 10th December. Legally we have until the end of January but we try to do this in December.
Two informal meetings to be held preceding the Finance meeting which will move from 26th November to 3rd December. It was suggested that an evening meeting be held on Thursday 28th November at 6:00pm and a daytime meeting held on Friday 29th November at 3:00pm.
An agenda item for the Finance meeting to be held on Tuesday 3rd December will be Draft Budget & Precept setting.
Budget & Precept will go forward to full Council for approval on 10th December 2024
Proposed: Cllr V Rudge Seconded: Cllr J Atkins Carried unanimously
Finance for Events 2025 Following the finance for events working group of 1st October
The following is the recommendation to be included in the 25/26 budget
Contracted events £5,250 (£5,000)
Armed forces 28/6 /St George 23/4 /VE 8/5 /VJ 16/8 £5,000 (£3,000)
PROMS IN Bitton Park 13/9 £1,000 (new)
Battle of Britian 14/9 £100 (£100
Teignmouth & Shaldon fireworks 5/11? £4,000 (£3,750)
Remembrance 9/11 & 11/11 £630 (£600)
Christmas lights switch on 29/11 & 30/11 TBC £9,000 (£9,000)
Mayor’s events £2,650 (£2,650)
Minutes: Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr V Rudge Carried unanimously |
Grants |
Minutes: Withdrawn |
Teignmouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce PDF 38 KB Minutes: Further clarification required.
Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr V Rudge Carried unanimously |
Teignmouth Youth Choir PDF 35 KB This Grant was received at the September meeting and members had some further questions to which the replies are below and in 2 attached documents.
Good evening,
Unfortunately, both Ilana and I will be at choir rehearsals on the evening of the scheduled meeting, therefore we will be unable to attend.
However, below we have outlined the answers to your questions, and I have attached the first year’s accounts for Teignmouth Youth Choir for your perusal.
Can you clarify the annual cost and how it is broken down? Please see attached.
Does it include the whole choir or just seniors? It includes the whole Choir as we would like to see them as one rather than two separate entities.
Does it include staff costs? We are not applying for staff course, as I understand this doesn’t fall within your grants policy.
How do you intend to fund annual running costs? Our annual running costs are covered by the children’s membership fees, we aim to be affordable to all children/families, therefore we are in a position where we require grants to subsidise the rest of our additional costs.
Can you confirm subscriptions and how many members you have? We currently have 16 members.
How many more are you looking to increase membership by? We do not have an upper limit to membership currently, if there is demand, we are in a position where we would happily put more sessions on for children.
Is there any more information on the business plan? Our aim is to simply provide an affordable opportunity for young people to sing and perform in the local community.
Here is a breakdown of expected costs, other than staff and room hire.
Sheet music purchase (continuing cost due to needing new repertoire) - £80 Printing of lyrics/folders - £100 Marketing (incl. Facebook boost, leaflets, posters) - £150 Subsidised hoodies and T-shirts for new members - £10 per member, 50% of cost. Insurance - £115 annually Performance costs - £250 for the four performances scheduled before Christmas.
Hopefully this helps you but if you have any further questions please do get in touch.
Thank you Zoe Teignmouth Youth Choir Administrator
Additional documents: Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application doesn’t meet the criteria but this doesn’t preclude from applying again at a later date for a project that might suit better.
Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded: Cllr V Rudge 3 in favour 1 abstained |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 4:30pm. |