Venue: Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ149DF
Contact: Iain Wedlake
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: None received |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 25th June 2024. Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 25th June 2024.
Resolved that the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 25th June 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr M Jackman Seconded: Cllr V Rudge – 1 abstained due to being absent |
Committee is recommended to resolve the attached debt is written off, as all reasonable measure have been taken to recover it. Minutes: It was resolved to agree.
Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr M Jackman – carried unanimously
Town Cryer To consider the remuneration and uniform for the role of Town Cryer.
Currently there is no honorarium or payment the last coat was purchased in 2019.
Dawlish recently spent £2,000 on a uniform and a payment of £500 annually Exmouth make a payment of £20 per week. Minutes: Deferred for further information. |
Finance for events 2024/25 To establish a task and finish working group comprising 4 Cllrs, to establish a possible list of events for the 24/25 financial year and recommend any individual budgets which may be required. Minutes: It was resolved for a working group to be set up to identify potential/significant events for next year’s budget – Town Council to construct a rough budget – those event costs will then go into the budget setting process.
Flag raising was also discussed, Cllr P Lloyd would like the Flag Raising Calendar circulated to all Councilors. It was explained that apart from Commonwealth Day, Merchant Navy Day and Armistice there is nobody there. For the rest, at 08:00am, Facilities go down to the Triangles and raise the flag, then go back at 08:00am the following day and take the flag down.
Working group to comprise: Cllrs C Williams, J Jackson, L Chasteau and V Rudge
Proposed: Cllr M Jackman Seconded: Cllr V Rudge – carried unanimously
Bank Reconcilliations PDF 85 KB To receive and note the Bank Reconciliations for June 2024 Additional documents:
Minutes: Received and noted.
Proposed: Cllr C Williams Seconded: Cllr L Chasteau – carried unanimously
Existing signatories are;
Cllr J Atkins Cllr J Jackson Cllr M Jackman Proper officer I Wedlake
Minutes: It was resolved that Cllr J Atkins will continue temporarily.
Proposed: Cllr M Jackman Seconded: Cllr V Rudge – carried unanimously
BANK AUTHORISATIONS Deferred from June meeting
To resolve an order or rota for bank authorisations, two councillors required usually once per week. Minutes: It was resolved that once we have moved to the new bank account, Cllrs J Jackson and M Jackman to be added to the mandate.
Proposed: Cllr V Rudge Seconded: Cllr M Jackman – carried unanimously |
Quarter 1 Budget monitoring report PDF 709 KB To receive and note the Quarter 1 budget monitoring report, detailing income and expenditure against budget from 1st April to 30th June 2024. Minutes: Received and noted.
Proposed: Cllr M Jackman Seconded: Cllr L Chasteau – carried unanimously |
Grant applications |
ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN TEIGNBRIDGE PDF 33 KB Deferred from June meeting for more details.
Action on Climate Change in Teignbridge Requested £1000 “The grant application was for a festival that finished in three weeks ago. We had to limit what we could offer in Teignmouth.”
Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application was for a festival that had already taken place.
Proposed: Cllr L Chasteau Seconded: Cllr M Jackman – carried unanimously |
Deferred from June meeting for more details.
Requested £1500 “The grant would allow for community workshops in the lead up to the event - we can reach more groups to create makes to be used by those groups in the parade. Some would be drop in, others targeted groups - we are happy to take your guidance on these if you have preferred groups for us to work with but equally we can utilise our links to identify these groups if not. These workshops would be free for the groups. / participants and allows them to have a lovely new activity and to make something really beautiful for them to walk with in the parade. We would discuss the format of the workshops with the groups before and ensure we work in a way that is accessible for those participants.” – please see attached for further pictures
Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application doesn’t meet the criteria but this doesn’t preclude from applying again at a later date for a project that might suit better.
Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded: Cllr V Rudge – carried unanimously |
Teignmouth Association Football Club PDF 33 KB Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application doesn’t meet the criteria but this doesn’t preclude from applying again at a later date for a project that might suit better.
Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded: Cllr L Chasteau – carried unanimously
Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application doesn’t meet the criteria but this doesn’t preclude from applying again at a later date for a project that might suit better.
Proposed: Cllr V Rudge Seconded: Cllr M Jackman – carried unanimously |
Teignmouth Rugby Football Club PDF 34 KB Minutes: It was proposed to make a grant of £1,000
Proposed: Cllr M Jackman Seconded: Cllr V Rudge – 2 in favour 3 against 1 abstained
It was then resolved to recommend the full grant of £2,000
Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded: Cllr C Williams – 4 in favour 2 abstained |
Minutes: It was resolved not to award a grant as the application doesn’t meet the criteria but this doesn’t preclude from applying again at a later date for a project that might suit better.
Proposed: Cllr L Chasteau Seconded: Cllr J Atkins – carried unanimously |
Teignmouth Thunderbirds Netball Club PDF 40 KB Minutes: It was resolved to recommend the full grant of £400.
Proposed: Cllr J Atkins Seconded: Cllr M Jackman – carried unanimously