Agenda and minutes

Finance Committee - Tuesday, 23rd January, 2024 4.30 pm

Venue: Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ149DF

Contact: Iain Wedlake 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Williams, Jackman & Chasteau (may be late)


Resolved that the apology be noted.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


None were received.



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


There were no dispensations.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 19th December 2023.


Members considered the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 19th December 2023.


Resolved that the minutes of the Finance meetings held on 19th DECEMEBR 2023 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous


Change of TTC corespondant for CCLA account

The committee is asked to resolve: To authorise the change of the correspondent for the CCLA account to the new clerk (I Wedlake).


Cllr Chasteau joined the meeting @ 16.51


It was resolved: To authorise the change of the correspondent for the CCLA account to the new clerk (I Wedlake). 


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous


CCLA account Signatories

The committee is asked to resolve: To authorise the following as replacement signatories/directors for the CCLA account (as exists for the Unity Trust Bank)


Cllr J Atkins

Cllr J Jackson

Cllr M Jackman

Proper officer I Wedlake


It was resolved to authorise the replacement signatories as follows;

Cllr J Atkins

Cllr J Jackson

Cllr M Jackman

Proper officer I Wedlake


Proposed Cllr Atkins seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous



Transfer of funds from Bar clays current account to CCLA deposit account to yield greater interest.

The committee is asked to resolve to authorise the transfer of £1,000,000 from the Barclays Business Premium ME account to the CCLA deposit account to achieve higher intrest reciepts.


It was resolved; To authorise the transfer of £1,000,000 from the Barclays Business Premium ME account to the CCLA deposit account to achieve higher intrest reciepts.


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous


Review Q3 budget report pdf icon PDF 288 KB

To review the attached Q3 budget report.


The Q3 report was reviewd by councillors and various questions asked of the clerk and answerd.


Membership of Teignmouth Chamber of Commerce

Members are asked to resolve to take a membership subscription for the above at the rate of £30 PA, to show moral support and we are a significant trader within the town.


It was resolved; To take a membership subscription for the above at the rate of £30 PA.


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous



Use of oldest CIL monies

The committee is asked to resolve to transfer the longest outstanding CIL money of £4,714.81 to the Town (330) Maintenance Reactive (4350).

These monies were used to repair/replace the electrics in the Triangles used for various events including the Christmas tree.


It was resolved: To transfer the longest outstanding CIL money of £4,714.81 to the Town (330) Maintenance Reactive (4350). These monies were used to repair/replace the electrics in the Triangles used for various events including the Christmas tree.


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous



Grant applications


Shop Mobility pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Additional documents:


It was resolved: To pay Shop Mobility the full grant ammount of £1,000


Proposed Cllr Jackson seconded Cllr Jackman Unanimous


Teignmouth Hub pdf icon PDF 710 KB


It was resolved: To pay Teignmouth Hub the full grant ammount of £150


Proposed Cllr Jackman seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous



Read easy pdf icon PDF 534 KB


It was resolved: To pay Read easy the full grant ammount of £530


Proposed Cllr Atkins seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous



South Devon Singers pdf icon PDF 415 KB


It was resolved: To pay South Devon singers part of grant amount of £125


Proposed Cllr Atkins seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous




No payment received in 2021, 2023 & 2024.


Perhaps consideration could be given to funding this via invoice directly from the budget; Town (330) Planned Maintenance (4820) rather than through the grant’s mechanism.


Therefore, the committee resolve to adopt this change to Defib maintenance.


It was resolved to pay the missing grants from 2021, 2023 and to adopt the following change to defibrillator maintenance: Going forward from April 2024 This would be funded via invoice directly from the budget; Town (330) Planned Maintenance (4820) and that it should rise to £600.


Proposed Cllr Atkins Seconded Cllr Rudge Unanimous




The committee is requested to clarify the previous CAB grant application situation and options going forward.


It was resolved to pay the £1,000 of the current grant application and that now CAB have a presence in Teignmouth again they should reapply in 2024/25 in line with the current grants policy.


Proposed Cllr Jackson Seconded Cllr Jackman Carried 1 abstention.







Date of next meeting 16th April 2024 16:30


Meeting ended 17:50