Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr M Jackman and Cllr J Jackson.
Resolved that the apologies be noted. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on XXXX. Minutes: Members were unable to consider the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 29th November 2023. Therefore, the minutes will be considered at the next Planning Meeting to be held on 10th January 2024. |
New items for consideration |
23/02086/TPO - Trinity School Buckeridge Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8LY Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: T1- Oak- Crown Lift to provide 3 metres clearance from ground level removal of larger Lower limb.
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: T1- Oak- Crown Lift to provide 3 metres clearance from ground level removal of larger Lower limb.
Comment: Refer to Arborist Proposed: Cllr S Walsh Seconded: Cllr C Myers Carried unanimously |
23/02062/HOU - 14 Nelson Close Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9NH Ward: Teignmouth Ward Proposal: Off street parking area
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth Ward Proposal: Off street parking area
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr C Myers Seconded: Cllr D Comer Carried unanimously |
23/02064/VAR - The Den Promenade Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8BB Ward: Teignmouth East Proposal: Variation of condition 3 on planning permission 22/01066/FUL (Two temporary toilet blocks with new tarmacadam hard standing) to extend the use of the temporary toilets to 31st March 2025
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth East Proposal: Variation of condition 3 on planning permission 22/01066/FUL (Two temporary toilet blocks with new tarmacadam hard standing) to extend the use of the temporary toilets to 31st March 2025
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr D Comer Seconded: Cllr S Walsh Carried unanimously
23/02088/CAN - Coldrey Landscore Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9JL Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: Fell Bay 3.0m x5 Leyland Cypress 6.0m Oak 4.0m Prune: Bay 7.0m & 4.0m Holly 5.0m Holm Oak 10.0m Laurel 4.0m Western Red Cedar 5.0m
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: Fell Bay 3.0m x5 Leyland Cypress 6.0m Oak 4.0m Prune: Bay 7.0m & 4.0m Holly 5.0m Holm Oak 10.0m Laurel 4.0m Western Red Cedar 5.0m
Comment: Refer to Arborist Proposed: Cllr C Myers Seconded: Cllr S Walsh Carried unanimously
23/01859/HOU - 4 Winston Court Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8QE Ward: Teignmouth East Proposal: Replace pitched roof over garage with flat roof and roof terrace
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth East Proposal: Replace pitched roof over garage with flat roof and roof terrace
Comment: Refer to comments in Report - Enhancement Proposed: Cllr D Comer Seconded: Cllr C Myers Carried unanimously
23/02093/FUL - 12 Higher Brimley Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8JS Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: Change of use from four flats to one dwelling
Minutes: Ward: Teignmouth Central Proposal: Change of use from four flats to one dwelling
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr S Walsh Seconded: Cllr C Myers Carried unanimously