Venue: Mayor's Parlour - Bitton House. View directions
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: None received. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None were received. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 26th July 2023. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 26th July 2023 be approved and signed as a correct and an accurate record of the meeting. Proposed: Cllr Myers Seconded: Cllr Jackson |
23/01237/TPO - 24 Armada Drive Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9NF Ward: Central Proposal: T001 - English Oak: Reduce primary lateral limb (north-east) by approximately 3m Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: T001 - English Oak: Reduce primary lateral limb (north-east) by approximately 3m
Comment: Refer to Arborist Proposed: Cllr Walsh Seconded: Cllr Phipps - Unanimous
23/01329/FUL - Doveteign Farm Holcombe Down Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9NS Ward: East Proposal: Conversion, alteration, partial demolition and extension of existing buildings to two residential dwellings with associated parking and infrastructure
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Conversion, alteration, partial demolition and extension of existing buildings to two residential dwellings with associated parking and infrastructure
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Myers Seconded: Cllr Jackson - Unanimous
23/00997/LBC - Naz Indian Cuisine 9 Somerset Place Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8EN Ward: Central Proposal: Construction of internal stud wall to provide means of escape for residential accommodation on first floor and the removal, renovation and refitting of first and second floor windows
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Construction of internal stud wall to provide means of escape for residential accommodation on first floor and the removal, renovation and refitting of first and second floor windows
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Walsh - Unanimous |
23/01203/HOU - Leastone Thornley Drive Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9JH Ward: Central Proposal: Addition of first floor
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Addition of first floor
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Myers - Unanimous |
23/01295/HOU - 15 Buckeridge Avenue Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8LU Ward: Central Proposal: Raised off street parking platform
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Raised off street parking platform
Comment: Suggest a tyre-stop as quite raised to prevent over-running Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Jackson - Unanimous |
23/01365/TPO - Land At Kingsway Teignmouth TQ14 9WP Ward: West Proposal: T014 - Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) - Sectional fell and dismantle
Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: T014 - Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) - Sectional fell and dismantle
Comment: Refer to Arborist Proposed: Cllr Myers Seconded: Cllr Phipps - Unanimous |
23/01383/LBC - 97 Dawlish Road Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8TQ Ward: East Proposal: Replace existing windows
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Replace existing windows
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Walsh - Unanimous |
23/01390/LBC - Bay Hotel 15 Powderham Terrace Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8BL Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartment (4)
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Internal alterations to refurbish and remodel the existing hotel into an apart hotel comprising of 7 apartment (4)
Comment: No objections – would like plan approved as town would like to see it brought back into use Proposed: Cllr Walsh Seconded: Cllr Jackson - Unanimous |
23/01327/HOU - 3 Deer Park Avenue Teignmouth Devon TQ14 9HB Ward: Central Proposal: Decking on existing patio area
Minutes: Ward: Central Proposal: Decking on existing patio area
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Myers - Unanimous |
23/01298/LBC - Lower Ground Floor Old Quay Warehouse Old Quay Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8ES Ward: West Proposal: Alterations to internal layout and openings, insertion of sound insultation, ventilation and freestanding floor (partially retrospective) Weblink: Minutes: Ward: West Proposal: Alterations to internal layout and openings, insertion of sound insultation, ventilation and freestanding floor (partially retrospective) Weblink:
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Jackson - Unanimous |
23/01241/HOU - 4 Barnsley Close Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8PW Ward: East Proposal: Part demolition and rebuilding of existing damaged boundary wall and erection of store Weblink:
Minutes: Ward: East Proposal: Part demolition and rebuilding of existing damaged boundary wall and erection of store Weblink:
Comment: No objections Proposed: Cllr Phipps Seconded: Cllr Walsh - Unanimous |