Venue: Mayor's Parlour, Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 9DF
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: None received |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: None received |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on: · 11 January 2023 · 01 March 2023 · 22 March 2023
Minutes: Members approved the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on
11 January 2023 – Proposed by Cllr I Palmer, seconded Cllr R Ash 01 March 2023 – Proposed by Cllr I Palmer, seconded Cllr R Ash 22 March 2023 – Proposed by Cllr I Palmer, seconded Cllr R Ash |
22/02257/FUL - 25 Deer Park Avenue Teignmouth TQ14 9HB Parish: Teignmouth Ward: Central Location: 25 Deer Park Avenue Teignmouth TQ14 9HB Proposal: Erection of an attached dwelling and formation of two off-street car parking spaces Weblink: Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: Central Location: 25 Deer Park Avenue Teignmouth TQ14 9HB Proposal: Erection of an attached dwelling and formation of two off-street car parking spaces Weblink:
Comment: Over development – loss of amenity to numbers 23 and 27 Deer Park Avenue – CAT B Proposed: Cllr R Ash, seconded Cllr Phipps
23/00565/CLDE - 25 Flat 6 Northumberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 25 Flat 6 Northmberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Proposal: Certificate of lawful use as a separate dwelling
Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 25 Flat 6 Northmberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Proposal: Certificate of lawful use as a separate dwelling
Comment: No objection - unanimous |
23/00566/CLDE - 25 Apartment 5 Northumberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 25 Apartment 5 Northumberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness (existing) for subdivision of building to form additional residential unit Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 25 Apartment 5 Northumberland Place Teignmouth TQ14 8BZ Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness (existing) for subdivision of building to form additional residential unit
Comment: No objection - unanimous
23/00497/LBC - WH Smith Limited 3 Regent Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8SW Parish: Teignmouth Ward: Central Location: WH Smith Limited 3 Regent Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8SW Proposal: Replacement roof lantern and repairs to front elevation Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: Central Location: WH Smith Limited 3 Regent Street Teignmouth Devon TQ14 8SW Proposal: Replacement roof lantern and repairs to front elevation
Comment: Refer to Listed Building Officer - unanimous
23/00568/TPO - 15 Chantry Close Teignmouth TQ14 8FE Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 15 Chantry Close Teignmouth TQ14 8FE Proposal: T1, Oak: Crown reduction by up to 1.5m of the trees lower western crown aspect
Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: East Location: 15 Chantry Close Teignmouth TQ14 8FE Proposal: T1, Oak: Crown reduction by up to 1.5m of the trees lower western crown aspect
Comment: Refer to Arborist Proposed: Cllr R Phipps, seconded Cllr I Palmer - unanimous
23/00643/HOU - 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ Parish: Teignmouth Ward: West Location: 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ Proposal: Single storey extension with balcony for home care of elderly person
Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: West Location: 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ Proposal: Single storey extension with balcony for home care of elderly person
Comment: 4 Keats Close is on rising ground and the Planner should consider over bearing and loss of amenity to numbers 17, 18 and 19 Hillside Close – CAT B Proposed: Cllr I Palmer, seconded Cllr R Phipps - unanimous
23/00301/HOU - 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ - WITHDRAWN Parish: Teignmouth Ward: West Location: 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ Proposal: Single storey extension and extension to existing timber deck
Minutes: Parish: Teignmouth Ward: West Location: 4 Keats Close Teignmouth TQ14 9UQ Proposal: Single storey extension and extension to existing timber deck