Agenda and draft minutes

Town Council - Tuesday, 12th November, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber 1, Teignmouth Town Council, Bitton House, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth TQ14 9DF

Contact: Town Clerk 

No. Item


Public participation Teign Estuary Trail

Kate Bemham


I would like to ask three questions regarding the consultation.

Would the council support the trail?

Would the individual councils support the trail?

Finally would they promote the consultation?


Cate (from the support group) is speaking to the members of the council regarding the Teign Estuary Trail. She wants to see this getting completed. There is a lot of support for this trail to happen from members of the public. DCC has done their report for their top 10 important cycle paths and the Teign Estuary trail is on their list. Cate has expressed that she wants the councillors to do a joint and independent letter of support for the Teign trail and push this to Devon about how important that this is. They want to use this to gain as many points to devon to get the funding that they need to get the trail completed. (This is going to be on agenda 13)


Police Report (if any)


PCSO Liz Francis is presenting the police report. They had another successful drugs raid with one of the drug dealers around the town. This is now being delt with. A few weeks ago they were having problems with two young lads, are causing a lot of anti-social behaviour. They were recently arrested and now placed on bail which is having an impact on the anti-social behaviour in the town. Fireworks and Halloween was successful from a police front.

Cllr Jackson wanted to pass her thank you to the police for their work.

PCSO further explained that it has been very up and down over the past few months, but it is slowly getting back to normal. They are getting their close-knit team back together. As a team they are all feeling a lot happier.


County Councillor Report (if any)


None have been received


District Councillor Report (if any) pdf icon PDF 26 KB


Report received from Cllr Peter Williams which was sent out with the agenda.


Town Councillor Report (if any) pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


Report received from Cllr Myers which was sent out with the agenda.
Report received from The Mayor, Cllr Williams including a Mayor’s report. Cllr Williams also included the success of the Poppy’s to Paddington for Armistice Day.

Cllr Williams also wanted to pass her ‘Thank you’ to Brian Hall for all the hard work that he put into both Remembrance Sunday Service and Armistice Day Service.


Reports from Outside Bodies (if any)


None have been received.


Use of Mobile Phones

In accordance with Minute 30, mobile phones be limited to personal use only (in case of emergencies) and in which case the Councillor is to leave the room to respond. Councillors must switch their mobile phones to silent during the meeting to avoid disruption.


Taken as read.


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Cox.


Resolved that the apology be noted.




Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


None were received.



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


There were no dispensations.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on XXXX.


Members considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8th October 2024.


Resolved that the minutes of the Council meetings held on 8th October 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Jackman
Seconded by Cllr Rudge
Carried unanimously
Cllr Lloyd withstands due to not being at attendance in the last meeting.


Clerks report (if any) pdf icon PDF 41 KB


The Clerk gave a verbal update regarding his report.

He showed a few contractors around on Monday to show them the toilets and what has happened.

Cllr Lloyd – asking about the recovery.

The clerk explained that there was a failure in doing the 2022 budget, but this was just the tip of the iceberg and was not performing in the best practice. We are now slowly going backwards and using things like a Saturday as a clear day to get the agenda out. The clerk is planning on having a meeting with the Chairman to discuss a plan going forward.

Cllr Lloyd – Why are we going backwards

The Clerk then explained that due to officer hours are being used to dealing with enquiries.

Cllr Williams – Can we have a time frame?

The Clerk said he wants to present a plan to full council by January to make them aware of what id going to be done and the plan that is going to be put into place.

Cllr Rudge – Going back to the training, it was highlighted that there are problems with gaining access and information to the website. We have requested that we have some training as councillors to go through how to work/use the website.

Cllr Williams explained that, that this is a slightly different matter to what is being discussed currently, but this is something that we can look into once the ball is rolling with other plans/action plans that we are currently getting into place. Cllr Williams agrees that there are other training that needs to be done, but we need to be clear what training needs to be done, who needs to do the training, and then create a plan with all the councillors who require the training.


Teign Estuary trail pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Attached is a template letter request from TDC. They wish the council to support the Teign Estuary Trail outline business case.


Council is asked to consider if it wishes to agree and send the letter as requested.



Cllr Phipps – Can we have a show of hands of the Councillors who do support the Trail.
All councillors put their hands up

Amendment: To delegate this to the Clerk with the Chairman and create a letter of support and get it sent off by the end of the week. Supporting the project but not having any financial obligation against the council.

Proposed by Cllr Atkins
Seconded by Cllr Phipps
Carried unanimously


Minutes of Finance committee pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive the minutes of the Finance Meeting of 29th October 2024 and approve the actions therein.


Proposed by Cllr Chasteau
Seconded by Cllr Jackman
Carried unanimously


Minutes of the Assets & Facilities committee pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive the minutes of the Assets & Facilities Meeting of 28th October 2024 and approve the actions therein.


Proposed by Cllr Atkins
Seconded by Cllr Myers
Carried unanimously


Strategy & Objectives pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Council is recommended to resolve to accept the budgetary objectives as agreed at the working group on 31/10/2024.


Proposed by Cllr Walsh
Seconded by Cllr Jackson
Carried unanimously


Teignbridge District Council - Future of Public Toilet Provision

To receive and note a public consultation from Teignbridge District Council concerning the future of Public Toilet Provision in Teignbridge. For background information, see Teignbridge full council report and the Final EIA Public Toilets 18 Oct redacted available from Teignbridge District Council (external website).


Events committee pdf icon PDF 196 KB

With the support of the HR committee, Council is asked to resolve: -

A: to create an events committee as per the attached Terms of reference (these are based upon those of an adjacent council), This would effectively replace the existing number of events working groups thus saving officer time by the overall reduction in meetings. It would also speed up the process of organising events as officers would be reporting back on all events on a two monthly basis and not having to wait for decisions once the initial parameters have been set by the committee. To be reviewed after one calendar year of operation.

B: If A is resolved to then appoint 6 members to the newly

 formed committee.


Point A:
Proposed by Cllr Myers
Seconded by Cllr Rudge
Carried unanimously

Point B:
The six councillors that have been elected:
Cllr Rudge
Cllr Jackson
Cllr Chasteau
Cllr Williams
Cllr Walsh
Cllr Jackman

Proposed by Cllr Rudge
Seconded by Cllr Comer
Carried unanimously


List of payments pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive and approve the list of payments for October 2024.


Proposed by Cllr Atkins
Seconded by Cllr Chasteau
8 votes yes, 2 votes obstained


Opinion from DALC regarding voting during item 49 September 2024 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To note the recent DALC advice received regarding standing orders and voting.


With a recorded vote of the noting please.



Noted by all councillors
Proposed by Cllr Phipps
Seconded by Cllr Atkins
Carried unanimously


Local Government pay rise 01-04-24

To receive and note the recently agreed local government pay rise of £1,290 per SCP which will be backdated to 01/04/2024 in the November salaries.


Noted by all councillors
Recorded vote
Proposed by Cllr Myers
Seconded by Cllr Jackman
Carried unanimously